Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Sandi Wendesday Evening

As Tropical Storm Andrea churns in the Gulf heading on a path predicted to take it just north of Jacksonville, Florida, Sandi is doing okay. Her next doctor stuff is not until Friday afternoon so hopefully the worst of the storm will have passed on by the time she has to get out in it. Kind of hard to wear one of those paper surgical masks they want her wearing at all times when the rain is flying around you.

She seems to be doing okay. Everything feels the same at this point, according to her, and nothing new medically has cropped up. Apparently bingo is a serious business at The Atria and she has been playing a lot of bingo to pass the time. That is when she isn't crocheting or being asked to teach crocheting. I think they ought to put her on staff as a morale director because she is doing what she does best and pumping up all who meet her.

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