Friday, July 05, 2013

Review Queries

Before you ask me to read and review your book, it helps if you read a few entries on this blog to have some idea what I review. I have made no secret as to what my review preferences are or the fact that I am saying yes to very little due to my health issues, my wife's ongoing cancer fight, and other problems. Quite frankly, it is hard to say yes to anything when I worry constantly as to whether or not we will be homeless at the end of the month, can keep the utilities on, or buy food when the little bit we get from the SNAP program each month runs out.

Authors who I have enjoyed and reviewed their work before have the best chance with me right now because of my incredible TBR pile. Also authors who fit the guidelines for my column in the Senior News Newspaper have a major leg up on the competition. Again, read past blog enteries as I put each month's newspaper column on here towards the end of that month.

If you don't fit either category, your chances of me accepting your work for eventual review are very low. That lack of acceptance has nothing to do with the quality of your work and everything to do with my personal situation here.

At this time I don't envision any changes in this situation for the foreseeable future.


  1. Only so much time in the day to accomplish what's needed and then to read. That you get a lot of requests, Kevin, says something positive about your reviews.

  2. That it does, Terry, and I am honored. I just wish I could get a paying review gig somewhere.
