Friday, July 19, 2013

Sandi Today--More Hospital Time

Just got home a little while ago and it is pretty clear that while the doctors involved keep saying "a couple of days" she is not coming home anytime soon. The cancer doctor came in earlier today and spent some time with her. Sandi was getting blood out of her nose from time to time and the cancer doctor believes that is due to irritation of her sinuses. Despite running the oxygen through the water thing they do to moisten the air, some patients get dried out and start bleeding a little bit from time to time. It is rare and she has managed to do it.

He believes the antibiotics they put her on for the lung fluid are NOT working. He has changed her to another IV antibiotic and is adding an IV steroid to it to help her. he is also ordering some new tests. They did several chest x-rays this morning and spent over an hour doing an echocardigram in her room this afternoon.

From time to time when they take her vitals they have her go off the oxygen to see how far she will drop. Just sitting there doing nothing and saying nothing, she runs about 92 when on oxygen. For somebody who was well with no lung issues, they should run about 99 or 98. So she is already too low before they take her off the oxygen.

Once they take her off, in seconds the numbers start dropping and soon are flashing red as they slide below 85. It less than two minutes she is down to 78. As time continues to pass she fluctuates between 78 and 70. At one point, when she was at 72, they told her to pant hard and the highest she could get back to was 78. Clearly she can't come home with that going on.

I expect at this point she is in for the weekend at the very least and would not be surprised if this goes on into next week quite a bit.  More as I know it.....


They have done two EKGs tonight. Apparently they were not too sure about the results of the first one so they came back with a different machine and did it again.  Theoretically, she passed as nobody freaked out and did anything about the tests.


  1. I know this is grinding you two down. All you can do is keep going, I guess.

  2. Oh if only wishing was any help at all. Keeping you in mind.
