Friday, August 23, 2013

Doctor Day Friday

Today was rather interesting at the hospital as during our visit we and everyone else had to evacuate because the fire alarm triggered. Not sure why it happened. It took them about thirty minutes before they got it turned off, but we were back inside before that. I scared her people so much during all this that they put me in a wheelchair as they thought I was in trouble. Here they have clearly very sick cancer patients with full IV poles walking around in the driveway outside the hospital and the staff are making a fuss over me. Rather embarrassing to say the least.

Everything is pretty much the same on Sandi at this point. Her cumindin level is back too high so another pill adjustment is being made for that. Her white blood cell count is down and there is some concern about that so she received some sort of injection to try and stabilize things. Sandi's oxygen level remains the same so they continue to slowly cut back her steroids. As they taper back we all anxiously watch to see if her oxygen level stays stable.

So, everything pretty much remains the same at this point. Next doctor deal is Friday.

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