Thursday, October 24, 2013


Years ago when I was a kid, Dad and Mom would frequently pack up the car and trailer, and the four of us would hit the road. We went all over Texas as well as most of the western states seeing the parks and monuments. Almost every year we spent some time on the way to somewhere or on the way back home at Rocky Mountain National Park. Many an hour was spent with my brother as well as my Dad hiking to this lake or that one.

While I was always glad to go I didn't appreciate it anywhere near as much as I should have. The stupidity of youth more than anything as I thought that someday I would be doing the same things with my family. That never happened.

My Dad is gone now and my Mom is not well. I have not been there in years and certainly can't hike there anymore. Much of what I remember has been destroyed by time, floods, fires, and other things. Some places still remain such as Dream Lake. It still is there. The picture below of Dream Lake showcasing the difference over 15 days earlier this month posted to Facebook today by the staff of RMNP brought back strong memories.

Memories are all we have these days. Back here in the real world, Sandi has blood work and a doctor appointment tomorrow morning down at Texas Oncology. Hopefully the news will be as good as it can be these days.....

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