Saturday, November 09, 2013

The Morning After

Sandi is now up and less than happy as she is hurting really bad after the deal yesterday. I donned the gloves and went to work pulling the packing out. It did not go well at all for either one of us, but I "think" I got it all out. Pulling it out sent her pain level up through the roof, but she thinks I got it all out.  Changed the dressing and have her now settled in her chair drinking her first cup of tea.

Hopefully, as the day goes on, she will start having less pain and feel a little better. Glad that is over and just hoping I did it all correctly.


  1. I know the feeling (yours, not Sandi's). I have to change the dressing on Judy's CVC, and there are all kinds of steps and precautions -- have to set up a sterile area and so on. I'm a nervous wreck every time I do it.

  2. I know you do, Bill. This was not quite as complicated as what i think you have to do, but it had plenty of challenges for me.

  3. I've been through similar from both ends. Hope You guys feel better soon.
