Sunday, December 08, 2013

Family Update

It still be very cold here with freezing fog in the forecast for tonight. We had a little melting out in the parking lot and off the roof of the building, but the front stairs as well as everything creekside still remain heavily enshrouded with ice. UTD has cancelled class for tomorrow which has thrilled Scott.

I remain scheduled for an MRI tomorrow at this point though I have no idea if I can get down to the car let alone get the car out of the lot.

We continue to have power. We did lose water for about an hour and half as a pipe in the end of the building ruptured overnight and flooded two apartments. It was eventually determined how to turn off the apartment where the break happened and that allowed the rest of us to get our water back.

So, all things considered we are doing okay.


  1. Hope you were able to make your appt.

  2. It is later today....I am supposed to be there at 11:30. Temps are at 31-32 and my stairs are a sheet of ice. Contemplating heating water on the stove and dumping it over the edge to try and melt the stairs a bit.

    If I can get down them and get my car out of the parking lot and down the side street to the main road, I think I can get there. Will cross a couple of bridges, but the rest of it is regular road and not the frozen interstate stuff.
