Sunday, January 05, 2014


In addition to the donation widget on the left side, I am an Amazon Associate. What this means is if you click on one of the book links on this blog to buy a particular book or to shop on Amazon and you buy something, I get a few pennies on the sale. It does not affect the price you pay at Amazon or have any impact on you financially at all.

What it does do is generate a small referral fee that is paid into my Amazon Associate account a few pennies at a time. Those pennies add up each quarter. When enough pennies add up to ten dollars, usually once or twice a year, I can cash out with an Amazon giftcard. I use these funds to buy the occasional e-book which ultimately gets reviewed here as well as some household and medical supplies for Sandi not covered by food stamps or donations.

So, if you are going to shop at Amazon anyway, please consider going through me to do your shopping. Every little bit helps and I do appreciate it very much.

Big time thank you to those who went through me to do their Amazon shopping during the recent holidays. Much, much appreciated.


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