Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review: "The Adventures of Summer McPhee of Ocracoke Island: Kilroy Was Here" by Douglas Quinn

Cousin of Quinn Higgins, Summer McPhee, has plenty of adventures in her own right. She is also well known for helping people. The idea that she needs to help someone is not the first thought that crosses her mind when she is asked to report to the office.

The receptionist, Mrs. Salter, paged for her to come to the school office as she wants her help.  A new student, Jimmy Wade, is being assigned to her class at Ocracoke School. Jimmy is in a wheelchair permanently because of some health issues when he was born. Issues that, over the years, have caused some people to treat him poorly out of ignorance or a lack of understanding.  He and his dad have had some tough times and are hoping for a fresh start in all aspects on the island off the North Carolina coast. Since Jimmy is an expert maybe he can help with the school’s suddenly malfunctioning computer system and the strange message “Kilroy was here.”

The latest in this series for kids is another good one. In the style of the Quinn Higgins Boy Detective series important issues such as compassion, tolerance, and understanding of others are interwoven subtly into a mystery appropriate for young readers as well as adults. This book and series gently makes important points-- “teaching moments” in the popular phrase of the day-- while entertaining readers.  The action moves quickly forward in a matter of fact way while the characters get to know others and develop a greater understanding of why people act the way they do. This leads into understanding how at times they can help. The Adventures of Summer McPhee of Ocracoke Island: Kilroy Was Here by Douglas Quinn is another good one in the series where the titles can be read in order or as a stand alone.

The Adventures of Summer McPhee of Ocracoke Island: Kilroy Was Here
Douglas Quinn
AAS White Heron Press (Via CreateSpace)
ISBN #978-1493507047
November 2013
128 Pages

Material supplied by the author in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2014

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