Friday, February 21, 2014

Immune System Infusion Completed

Minutes ago we arrived back home and Sandi is already back to sleep as today has not been an easy one. After blood work this morning, they gave her the first dose of IVIG. This is supposed to stabilize her immune system and will be given monthly until the summer. At that point, a session will be skipped and her numbers checked. She tolerated the infusion fairly well and those in charge seemed happy about that.

What was not good news was the fact that her kidney function seems to have taken another major nose dive along with a troubling trend with her protein levels. Both are dropping and that does not help with her worsening swelling in her feet and lower legs. Water and protein shakes are advised for now though if this does not get better more tests will have to be planned to check various major organs.

One hopes that does not become necessary. In the meantime, we are to watch for any sort of allergic reason or anything out of the ordinary. 


  1. Gotta concentrate on the good news and hope everything gets better!

  2. Sending good thoughts your way.

  3. Continued prayers & good thoughts from our house to yours, Kevin.
