Sunday, February 16, 2014

Via The Passive Voice-- Money and Control

Been working on my own long neglected writing stuff a bit today. Just took a break to catchup on some e-mail from recent days and came across this. I really like the shirts.... 

Money and Control

This is probably a good time to mention this ....if you would like a walking advertisement for your product and are willing to send me a t-shirt or polo style shirt that is 5X with your ad I will wear it. The shirt ad has to be clean so no naked ladies, obscene gestures, etc. Said shirt would be worn in public to the grocery store, public library, and various doctor and treatment centers as well as wherever else I have to go in and around Plano, Texas.

If you are interested drop me a note and we will talk.


  1. I have no shirts with novel info (covers, websites, titles, etc.) on them.

    Good to read that you're working some on your own writing.

  2. I don't either though Sandi thinks I should have a couple made up reflecting the books. While I have heard of it being done, it seems to be a bit pretentious to be parading around in a shirt reflecting one's own book.

    Well, been doing a little on and mostly off the last couple of weeks. Sandi has been pushing me to it for several months now. She wants things around here as normal as possible while her fight continues. It is just not that easy on so many levels.
