Friday, June 13, 2014

FFB Review: "The Last Call: A Bill Travis Mystery" by George Wier

I have mentioned this book to you before a couple of times and at least once in connection with Friday’s Forgotten Books hosted by Patti Abbott. I'm doing it again as it came to mind while I was reading The Eternal: A Short Story. I will be reviewing that tomorrow. So, let me just say this---- George Wier is one heck of an author and you should be reading him. Period. 

Bill Travis first saw the beautiful woman while he was driving in heavy traffic on the loop near downtown Austin. The beautiful reddish blonde in the red roadster didn’t seem to mind that Bill Travis was staring at her. For a few minutes they played a cat and mouse game passing each other in the heavy morning traffic. After a smile his way and a couple of quick moves on her part in the stop and go traffic, she was gone down the interstate and out of his life. That left the nearly 40 year old Bill Travis with only one option---head to work as if nothing had happened at all.

That is until a short time later, as his first client of the day, she walks into his office. 

Julie Simmons may have flirted and then cut him off in traffic, but she has bigger issues then being a sexy and rude flirt. She has crossed Archie Carpin, a North Texan Liquor Baron and legendary figure with a violent family lineage dating back to the 20’s in Texas. This is one family that you leave very well alone if you have any brains at all. Julie was desperate and took two million dollars and ran. Of course, Archie Carpin very much wants his money back.

Bill Travis, a man that helps well off people with their money problems can’t help falling for her in every way possible.  Even if there is far more to her story and he knows it from the very start.  The beautiful woman wasn’t kidding when she said her name was trouble. He just didn’t care. He should have as she was not lying about that much at least.

On the run and trying to stay alive on a trail that takes them from Austin to North Texas and back again, Texas author George Wier crafts an intriguing tale full of twists and turns. Populated with complex main and secondary characters, plenty of clues, and plenty of action this recently released novel first in a planned series is a good one. Even seasoned mystery readers will be surprised by some of the twists the complex case takes while imparting some legendary Texas history.

The Last Call: A Bill Travis Mystery
Gorge Wier
Flagstone Books
Kindle E-Book (paperback available)
234 Pages
$0.00 (as of today)

Material supplied by the author in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple © 2011, 2012, 2014


  1. I assume "Bill" Travis is descended in spirit from William Barret Travis of the Alamo. Is he also descended by blood?

  2. There was a blood link IF I remember correct. I think it was via cousins, but don't hold to to that.
