Sunday, June 08, 2014

Sample Sunday: Excerpt from "The Walk" in Mind Slices: A Collection of New and Previously Published Stories

This week I thought I would share with you the opening to my short story “The Walk.” A summer setting for this mystery seems appropriate the second Sunday in June….


“Tower Four, radio check.”

The scratchy voice was barely indiscernible from the background noise. The old radios were damn near worthless. State budget cuts meant that replacement radios weren’t coming anytime soon.

“Tower Four Operational.”

He had to say it again before dispatch was able to break through the static long enough to for him to hear, “Acknowledged. Stay cool.”

The mandatory hourly check in completed, the solitary man on the watchtower wiped his brow and put his tan ball cap back on his head. Two hours down and probably at least two more before he had his chance. He was new to the prison located deep in southwest Texas. Being the new man had drawn him the assignment in the sweltering tower that had no working air-conditioning. With no working AC, it was a little bit cooler outside on the catwalk than inside the tower. Unlike the other guards, he could not hide inside behind the glass. That suited his purposes perfectly, so he pretended to grumble for the benefit of the other guards while relishing the opportunity.

Mom always said every Sunday on the way to church, "There's no rest for the wicked, not even on Sunday," and it seemed like divine providence that he was assigned that tower. The old louvered windows were open as wide as they would go. Prayers for a breeze hadn’t worked; the tower was broiling.  The sweat frequently rolled down into his eyes despite his cap and he worried that a drop would slip into his eye at precisely the wrong time.

He stepped out the door onto the old metal catwalk, as he had several times each hour, and glanced quickly at the nearest tower. The guard there ignored him like he had all morning, which also suited his plan perfectly. The novelty of watching the new guy suffer had worn off quicker than he had thought possible. He didn't know him or any of the other guards on the towers around him, and didn't expect to live long enough to know them. While he cradled his rifle and kept a finger lightly on the trigger, his eyes scanned all around the flat Texas desert for any signs of life. Far to the north somewhere sat Midland, lost in the heat haze. All he saw were heat mirages and the occasional buzzard riding the thermals under the blazing June sun.

His radio squawked and he glanced at his watch. After he gave approval, the small procession began to cross the dusty inner courtyard below.  The four guards surrounding the prisoner ……

If you liked the above sample, there are 15 more short stories in Mind Slices: A Collection of New and Previously Published Stories. The book is a mix of fantasy, science fiction, and mystery with many stories containing elements of more than one genre. $2.99 it is available online at:

If you have not yet read the book, I hope you take a chance on it. 

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