Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Update on the Freelance Writing Gig

Have not written about this in a few days, but I am still having a blast writing stuff for Tapir and Friends Animal Store. Along with the fact I can sometimes work in my sense of humor, one of the fun things abut the gig is learning new stuff such as the fact that the famous "dead parrot" of the legendary Monty Python sketch may have actually existed. You can read about that here.

While the longer pieces do have my byline on them, the shorter category intros such as the one here on "Sea Plants" do not. Had no idea that the "Sea Cucumber" was not a plant either. It's ALIVE!!

Among lots of other pieces on there that I have done, if you feel like getting ready for the ape takeover of the world, you can check out my short pieces here on New World Monkeys, Gorillas here and the Primates here.

And, if you have a kid into the creepy crawly things I have a piece here on Insects and Beetles here though these beetles are not involved.


  1. Looks to be a fun writing gig :)

  2. It is! Unlike a lot of stuff I have done before, I am allowed to have some fun with the topics. Very pleasant change.

  3. It's a two-way strret, Kevin. Thank you!

  4. Nope. I know my place, boss.
