Saturday, July 26, 2014

Morons On Parade

A couple of folks have been drinking some HATERAID this morning and commenting here at Amazon on my review from six years ago of THE LAST QUARRY. Probably one sad pathetic person hiding behind two faked names since the comments came in within minutes of each other.


  1. I get occasional comments similar to those. Like you, I don't let them worry me.

  2. I took a look at a list of reviews one of these pinheads, "Verbier Library," has written. With only three or four exceptions, they're negative. For someone who advises you to write literary criticism (which is vastly different from reviewing) like that of Northrop Frye, he doesn't take his own advice. Most of his put-downs are puerile and hardly rate as lit-crit, let alone intelligent reviewing.

  3. I noticed the same thing, Barry.
