Friday, September 19, 2014

FFB Review--- "A Vampire Named Fred" by Bill Crider

Friday means Friday’s Forgotten Books hosted by Patti Abbott. Having just read this earlier in the week the book seemed a perfect choice for FFB this week. A Vampire Named Fred by Bill Crider is a fun read that works for all ages making it very much worth your time.

A Vampire Named Fred

The very run down house next door had been on the market for about 15 years when it finally sold. Al, who is 12, loved exploring the old place, but his mom worried about rotted out floors, broken stairs, snakes in the basement, and the bugs and dirt. While his parents would not buy the old place like he wanted them to, at least his Mom never forbade him from going over there.  He had loved going over there and poking around as long as he could remember and often his buddy Hermie went over there with him.

So, Al wasn’t exactly thrilled when the house suddenly sold. Hermie was convinced nothing good for them would happen with the new owners. Hermie was sure the new owners had to be a 100 or something to want to live in that old place and he was sure they would not have grandkids or anything. They probably even hate kids, according to Hermie. Neither one of the boys counted on “A Vampire Named Fred” who needs their help and friendship.

Originally published in print on 1990 and released in electronic format in 2011, this book aimed at the middle school aged crowd is a very fun read. Not only does it play a bit with the vampire legend which Hollywood movies got very wrong according to Fred, the book also mixes in cultural references that will appeal to the adult reader. For example, Elvis (or somebody doing one heck of an impersonation) works down at the local Tastee Daree Freezee where they sell soft ice cream, burgers, and more. He still sings a bit and dances in his blue suede shoes while filling orders. While small things like that may fly by the kids, adults will get a chuckle or two over that and quite a number of other items in this fun story that reminds all readers that being a little different is okay.

“A Vampire Named Fred” is a fun read for all ages by legendary author Bill Crider. It has a sequel titled “A Werewolf Named Wayne.”

A Vampire Named Fred
Bill Crider
Delabarre Publishing
ASIN: B00551J10Y
127 Pages

Material was picked up during a recent author promotion for my use in an objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2014