Friday, November 14, 2014

Back Home From The Cancer Doctor

Sandi has had her blood work and visit with the cancer doctor today. Her numbers were stable as compared to last month. In fact, a couple of things showed a little bit of improvement. She remains classified as "medically fragile, but stable" which is about the best we can hope for with this deal

For financial reasons tied into our mounting debt with them as well as from a medical standpoint, it has been decided to hold off on IVIG for now and see how she does. Our next appointment is in mid December.That will also be a blood work and doctor visit only deal.

In the meantime, they will be processing paperwork to see if she can qualify for any financial assistance that might be available. Two assistance programs have opened up and it is possible we may get a little help on the money side of things.


  1. Hope you can get financial assistance to help out a bit. Judy's still in the hospital and will be for a while. The doctors know what's going on, but they don't know why. Things aren't looking great here.

  2. Happy to hear things are a bit better. Hope things go well on the assistance. Fingers crossed.

  3. Thanks, Randy. Appreciate it.

    Very sorry. Bill. Please know that I and Sandi are thinking of you both.
