Sunday, November 09, 2014

Bring on the Ladybugs!

For several months now I have been doing some freelance writing for Tapir and Friends Animal Store. Not only do I like it becuase I get paid --- a very rare occurance writing wise --- it gives me a chance to educate folks and have a little fun in the process. Unlike the book reviews which need to focus on the book and that is it, the stuff I do for Tapir and Friends allows me to let a little bit of me show through whether it is my sense of humor or something else.

One of my recent pieces involved their Ladybug Keychain where I shared a little bit about growing up in Northeast Dallas, gardening, and a couple of other things.  Hope you go take a look at that as well as lots of other neat stuff on the site.

1 comment:

  1. Warmed up enough Sunday we suddenly had a bunch here flying into our apartment and all around the porch.
