Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hey, You! Three Horned Face!!

Like westerns, I have always had a thing for dinosaurs. I think they are very cool. Awesome, in fact, and would love to have the ability to do the time travel thing. Of course, while folks can land things on comets now (so very cool), time travel is still not possible. Instead, I have to settle for really good books such as CarnosaurWeekend (Kyler Knightly and Damon Cole Book 1) by Garnett Elliot (somebody you should be reading in all his flavors) and live vicariously.

Fortunately, at this point in my life, I have big time skills in living vicariously.

I recently wrote about those three horned face dinosaurs known as Triceratops for Tapir And Friends Animal Store. No one knows what they went through on the dino playgrounds, but it could not have been easy.  While I did not address that issue at the link above, I did address a few other things including the fact they apparently did not have jet packs and were not used by space aliens in galactic rodeos. 


  1. Is there any limit to this man's imagination? I think not. . . .

  2. Well, I try to keep it under control in public.....
