Friday, December 12, 2014

Back Home

Things were chaotic there today, but we are finally home. Because her blood work for the most part seems to indicate stability it was decided to cut the dosage on a couple of things as of today. On Christmas Day she is also supposed to stop taking her steroid. Then we watch and see how her lungs do.

Assuming they don't suddenly get worse she might be able to stop the steroids for a little while. That would help her kidney function as well as her blood sugars which have stared going haywire yet again.

We see the endocrinologist on Monday and expect her to adjust the insulin shot dosage.

Assuming nothing wacky happens we go back to Texas Oncology in a month on January 9.


  1. Sounds pretty good. I hope things keep going well.

  2. One of those rare days when things seem to indicate they are on the plus side of things. Me too.

  3. This is encouraging, Kevin. I hope there are no bumps and that you and your wife and kids had a fabulous holiday season.

  4. Thank you, Jan. Hope you and yours do as well.
