Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Our Latest.....

Sandi had her appointment with the endocrinologist yesterday. As expected, the dosage on her twice daily insulin shots was bumped up a little bit. Things seem to be progressing in the right direction so the plan is to leave her alone for now.

Scott took his last final for the fall semester. He is now on a break until mid January. All teh grades are not in just yet, but it looks like he will finish the semester with 4 B's and an A. Pretty damn good for our Criminology Major.

So, not only do I get the break from hauling Scott to UTD, if things go right, Sandi and I get a break from the doctors and hospital stuff till the middle of next month. Having spent the holidays in hospitals before we really appreciate the fact that this year we should not have to do that.

Knock on wood.....


  1. Glad to hear the good news.

  2. Thanks, Bill. About as good as it gets around here. Hopefully, I didn't jinx things.

  3. Outstanding news, and good going, Scott.

  4. that would be a double yes.
