Thursday, December 18, 2014

Review: "Early Retirement: A Short Story" by Sue Ann Jaffarian

It is approaching Christmas in Los Angeles as Early Retirement begins and Edna Brewer is glad the weather has finally cooled off a bit. Warmer weather helps her arthritis, but there should be a little chill bite to the air this time of year. Having just turned 67 she has convinced her employer, her brother who is named George and a lawyer that it definitely is time for her to retire. For over thirty year she has kept his law office organized and running smoothly despite the office bimbos, shady clients, and other assorted problems. She likes things organized and neat from her sensible shoes to her job to her life.

Good thing to as again this day Sarah Landry is once again very late to work. She is supposed to be George’s secretary though Edna sees very little evidence of her being able to do the job. Sarah is almost always late so it is up to the office manager, Edna Brewer, to get the coffee pot on, the phones switched over from the service, and take care of the many other necessary tasks to start the day. It would help a lot if her lawyer brother would get himself to work today as one of his more difficult and despicable clients, Bobby Corazon, keeps calling for him. Then the police come looking for George and the detectives have lots of questions for Edna.

Featuring an interesting mystery and plenty more, this short story by Sue Ann Jaffarian is a good one. A fast fun read that is guaranteed to please, Early Retirement is very much well worth your time. 

Early Retirement: A Short Story
Sue Ann Jaffarian
 Arakel Press
(no website listing found)
December 9, 2014
22 pages (estimated)

Material picked up to read and review using funds in my Amazon Associate account.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2014


  1. Sounds great and relatable. Thank you.

  2. Enjoyed it. Thanks for coming by.
