Monday, January 12, 2015

Sandi's Leg--Update

For those who have asked her leg is not any better. Not any worse either which is a good thing, but we have seen no improvement. It is still massively swollen -- especially above the knee---- and the wound area is continuing to weep stuff with very discolored skin extending above and below the site for several inches. Walking
remains almost impossible for her and she is in considerable pain.

The culture did not come back today so the diagnosis of the particular infection they think it is has not yet been confirmed. My big fear at this point is that this will come back in some way related to her terminal cancer. My hope is that it is what they think it is and they just need to increase the antibiotic dose to stop it.

At this point we are still scheduled to be back down at the hospital Wednesday morning so they can look at it.


  1. I think I would give a call to your MM specialist to see if her problem with her leg could be in amy way related. Sending prayers and hopes that the leg starts the process of healing and that she can get the treatment to go into remission. I have been reading some articles about how having diabetes complicates care for Multiple Myleoma. I have diabetes type II and MGUS.

  2. Diabetes complicates everything. All specialists involved with her care are well aware of the deal at this point.

    Back to the doc tomorrow morning.
