Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chemo Starting Tonight

Sandi's doctor responded to an emergency call from the nurses who were horrified that her leg was even bigger tonight. Her cancer doctor came in, was horrified, and is starting chemo now.

It will be four drugs --two of which she has had before. Treatment regime will be determined later when this situation has been contained. She is in agony tonight as her leg is at least four times bigger than normal from hip to foot. She is horribly frustrated and upset.


  1. Best wishes to all of you.

  2. I wish that I could help you more than with prayers. The chemo is going to be very rough on her of course. I hope that they are giving her enough meds for the pain that she is going through. Will be thinking of her and hoping for immediate improvement.

  3. Poor woman. Dear man.

    I am horrified, too. I will pray for her and for you throughout tonight and the days ahead.

    God bless.

  4. Thank you both. She did get through yesterday okay as she went through the first round of chemo.
