Friday, February 20, 2015

Sandi Update

Blood work indicates everything is okay so chemotherapy will go ahead next week.

Tuesday she will have more blood work, a doctor visit, and then chemo for the rest of the day.

Wednesday will be chemo for most of the day with another shot.

While not scheduled just yet, we have been told to expect to be back next Friday for more blood work, a doctor visit, and a shot.

It also really says something when the nurses tell her how good she looks and then pull me aside to ask if I am okay. Then we get here and over the course of five minutes, two different neighbors stop by while walking their dogs to say the same thing to both of us. One went so far to ask me if I needed help getting up the outside stairs.


  1. Caregivers need to care for themselves, too. Hang in there.

  2. Right, same thing happened to me when my husband was in intensive care for his heart. You need rest and some relief too!

  3. It sounds like you have good people there. Blessings to you both. xo

  4. Please take time to take care of yourself too, Kevin. Keeping y'all in my thoughts & prayers.
