Friday, March 27, 2015

Chemo--Round 4:Part 2 Done

Second day of chemo is in the books and Sandi had a very hard time with it. This was, without a doubt, her worst one ever since all this began in 2011. She is home, in bed, and sleeping.


  1. The good blood work yesterday is a hopeful sign. I wish I could tell you that the chemo gets better, but that's not the case. If it works, though, that would be great. Maybe remission is in the future.

  2. I know it does not, Bill, but she has never had the day she had today. I think we should have gone back to the hospital, but she was not having it. She thinks she just needs to sleep it off after sleeping virtually the entire chemo session.

  3. Have you talked to her doctors about how rough it is to see if there is anything that they can prescribe to ease it down some notchs? On on the one hand, sleep is one of the body's best weapons on the other, when she wakes up, I am worried that she may feel worse. Maybe just contact them and give them an update that this is the worst day that she ever had. Sending prayers.
