Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Medical Update

Sandi is supposed to start her sixth round of chemo today after she has her blood drawn for testing and she sees the doctor. She has had a very hard time of things the last several days and is having a hard time of it. If you have a spare minute or two please think of her today. Thank you.
Just Before Chemo---Two Weeks Ago


  1. Many prayers for both of you.

  2. Thank you, Kaye. They cancelled the chemo as her numbers are bad. We try again next week.

  3. <3 Sandi and you are in my daily prayers and thoughts, Kevin.

    [It is so hard. I know. Steve is struggling with a similar situation as he is unable to start radiation until his infection clears up. Just started a new 10-week course of treatment. I don't need to tell you what that means.]

  4. Sigh....no you don't, Reine. Think about you both a lot and hope it gets better.

  5. I think about Sandi and you and the boys often, Kevin, wishing the best for you.

