Saturday, May 30, 2015

Sandi's Status

Sandi Today--Picture by Scott
Sandi is doing okay all things considered. For the most part the chemo has done okay so far and not made her too nauseous. She is able to eat, but nothing tastes any good to her and she has very little appetite. The chemo has steroids in it and that is messing up her ability to sleep.

One of the chemo drugs has a strong potential side effect of dry eyes. So, they put drops in her eyes to prevent that. The drops triggered a massive and severe allergic reaction within minutes as her eye lids swelled and began to itch, her eyes went very blood shot, and then the swelling started extending away from the eyes. They were able to stop the spread fairly quickly and then they were able to reverse it and clear most of it up. Her eyes still are bothering her some, but nothing like they were.

They are running tremendous amounts of saline and other liquids through her by IV to try and keep her kidneys function. So far they seem to be handling the chemo beating okay which was a major concern going into all this.

She will get another chemo drug late this evening into the overnight hours. Assuming all continues to go okay, they plan on releasing her sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Our next doctor/blood work/ shot visit is scheduled for Tuesday.


  1. What an ordeal. It sounds very similar to what Judy went through at one time. I'm sure Sandi is tough enough for it, but it's not any fun.

  2. No, no fun at all. She is fighting, but things are getting to her.

  3. Anonymous7:21 PM

    You remain in our thoughts. What Sandi goes through should not happen to anybody. She is a tough lady.

    Randy johnson

  4. That she is, Randy. That she is.
