Monday, June 15, 2015

Thirty Years

Thirty years ago today in a church in the outskirts of Boston this Native Texan did so and with forethought marry a Yankee Indian maiden by the name of Sandra who insisted her name was Sandi with an "i." It often has been worse thanks to health stuff and we have often been poorer as a result, but would gladly do it all again in a heartbeat.

Happy Anniversary, Sandi!


  1. Happy anniversary, you two!

  2. Congratulations on 30 years, Kevin!

  3. Happy anniversary to both of you! Thirty years is indeed an accomplishment. Whatever else happens, you two have each other, and that is the greatest thing in the world. Happy anniversary!

  4. Thank you all. We really did not think we both would see this one after everything the last couple of years. Very glad to have made it.

  5. A belated mazel tov! (I missed this post yesterday.)

  6. A very special Happy Anniversary wish to a very special couple!!!

  7. Congratulations on 30 years together. I am so glad you have each other. I wish the times were more pleasant, but these are the times when having your love is a great blessing and mean so very much.

  8. Thank you, Barry, Earl, and Reine. I am just glad she is still here.
