Monday, July 27, 2015

I have Done 2---97 To Go (Amazon Associates Ad Unit Migration - Final Notification)


Effective August 1, 2015, any remaining legacy product links, ads and widgets will be replaced with a public service announcement banner that will no longer send referring traffic to Amazon.

For those of you currently working to replace your legacy units, we appreciate your continued focus on addressing this issue. As previously communicated, we have been making changes to our technology platform that require you to replace some of the older product links, banners, and widgets currently hosted on your website.

Take Action Now

Visit Associates Central to access your dashboard, which identifies the impacted ad units that still need to be replaced.

Starting September 1, 2015, these legacy advertising units will no longer render, thereby either creating a broken link or the ad unit not appearing on your website.

Please use the following link to obtain more information and view the FAQs:

Should you have additional questions, visit the following page to contact Customer Service:

The Amazon Associates Team


  1. At least you have 2 done. I can't even find my CMS to do 1.

  2. I have no idea what CMS means or what they are referring to. But, I played link follow off the notice on my main page and worked from there.
