Friday, July 17, 2015

Sandi Update

She is a little better blood work wise. Her numbers were just high enough to justify waiting to see if she needs another transfusion. Her white blood cell count has climbed up off the floor too. So, though she is still very weak and tires quickly if she tries to do much of anything, there is a little positive news today.

The plan is for us to come back Tuesday morning for more blood work and a doctor visit. They are planning for transfusions and infusions of various types--at the office as well as at the hospital--should that be necessary. One hopes none of that will be needed.

They are also planning to do another PET Scan as soon as possible to image her cancer. This is to see if the new chemo that she has had for the last two rounds is actively doing anything against her cancer. It is hitting her body very hard. The real question is if the chemo is doing anything at all against her cancer which is extensively scattered everywhere throughout her body from head to toes.


  1. I know from experience that even a little positive news in this situation can make you feel hopeful. I'm crossing my fingers for even better news next week.

  2. We are too. Hopefully things for Tuesday will be cancelled and there will be no transfusions or infusions. No word on the PET Scan yet.
