Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Review: "The Girl with the Deep Blue Eyes" by Lawrence Block

Doak Miller has done a few things over the years. At one time he was a cop with the NYPD. Then, as is often the case, he left the force under some possibly questionable circumstances. Taking with him what he had earned and learned over the many years of service he moved elsewhere and started anew while missing a bit the old job. While he could get by on his NYPD pension there was no harm in obtaining a private investigator license. There was also no harm in making contacts with the local law enforcement.

That small effort led to a rare job by the way of Sheriff William Radburn of Gallatin County awhile back. It worked out well as he seemed to fit the role of an undercover hit man pretty well.  So, the good sheriff would like him to do it again. This time the target is one Lisa Yarrow Otterbein, wife of George
Otterbein. She has made it known in certain circles that she would like to be rid of her wealthy husband as soon as possible. In short, she wants to hire a hit man and the person she spoke to used the information to make a deal with the sheriff on another matter.

The plan concocted by the sheriff and Doak is for Doak to wear a wire and pose as a hitman from South Jersey in to take Lisa Yarrow up on her contract. At least that is the sheriff’s plan. Doak Miller has a far different idea based on a fantasy he has always had. If Lisa Yarrow looks anything close to the picture the good sheriff has showed him she fits the bill perfectly from a visual standpoint. The question is whether or not she can fit the bill in other ways.

And, of course, if he can get away with it.

This latest read from author Lawrence Block by the way of Hard Case Crime is a very good one. Filled with interesting characters, classic noir movie references, and an edge to it in the Florida heat, Doak Miller develops a plan and works it at a steady and ultimately nerve racking pace. Everything he does is done for a reason and that includes indulging other desires here and there along the way. Violence is a large desire in him and takes many different forms including sex.

Sex in various ways with various people either directly or by way of talking about it is a large part of The Girl with the Deep Blue Eyes. As such the book is a very adult novel and very explicit. It should be avoided if you are not looking for a hard edged noir that works on every level or you prefer your books to include recipes, crafts, or cats.

Simply put, The Girl with the Deep Blue Eyes is a classic noir story with all the trappings from start to surprising finish. One would not expect anything else from the author or the publisher. A mighty good read that does not disappoint and is highly recommended.

Don’t just take my word for it. Check out Bill Crider’s review and a short review from Gerald So.

The Girl with the Deep Blue Eyes
Lawrence Block
Hard Case Crime
September 22, 2015
Hardback (also available in audio and e-book formats)
240 Pages

I received an ARC by way of the author’s publicist in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2015


  1. Enjoy Block's books. Just ordered this one from the library

  2. Thought it was very good. Hope you like it.

    Thank you for reading my review.
