Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sandi's Latest Doc News

Back home from the doc. Sandi is doing okay, but things are starting to get shaky overall. I am not surprised because I could see things happening and she is in a lot of pain. Another drug to deal with her worsening neuropathy issues will be added to the mix, but she has to wait ten days to get AETNA to approve it.

In the meantime, she will have the next round of chemo starting on January 13.

Then, two weeks later, she will go back on the IVIG. This is the immune support drug that takes about three hours to drip into her each time. 

This means that every two weeks we will be there for a number of hours while they run something into her port.  

That is the plan for the next two months and then things will be reassessed based on the PET Scan.

As always, things and plans are subject to change.


  1. Sounds not terrible, which is sometimes as good as it gets. Keep on hanging in there.

  2. Not terrible, but not good either. They kept stressing that this was kind of expected and not to panic or stress. Easier said than done.

    Doing our best to hang in regarding other issues, but it is getting increasingly impossible.

  3. Happy New Year, Kevin and I pray 2016 is easier for you and Sandi than this one.

  4. "Expected" news is better than many variations of "unexpected" news. Hang in there. Prayers continue for Sandi, you and your entire family.

  5. Thanks, Terry. Appreciate it.

  6. Kevin... sending my love to you and Sandi. You two are always in my prayers.
