Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Endocrinologist Today

Today was Sandi's three month visit to the endocrinologist. Things seem to be doing really well despite the recent various issues. Since Sandi has chemo tomorrow, she has been given orders for some additional blood testing to be done.

In the meantime, her insulin has been adjusted slightly lower for non infusion days when things are between chemo and IVIG deals.

We go back again in three months.

The picture is Sandi on the porch yesterday afternoon as the weather has been good and for the first time in weeks she felt strong enough to be outside. Endocrinologist felt that she looked better than she has in months today.


  1. This is great to read!

  2. Thanks, folks. Things went amazingly well today.

    Tomorrow will be a bit trickier as they have to make sure she can handle the next round of chemo. Hopefully, she can and they will be able to do it.

  3. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Good news.

  4. So glad to hear a bit of good news. Love the photo of Sandi on the porch. I can only admire the stamina and fight both you and she put forth.

  5. She was not exactly happy with me for taking her picture, Reine. Whatever I do pales in comparison to what she is doing, or for that matter, what you and yours are doing.
