Sunday, May 22, 2016

Review: "Gracie The Undercover Beagle and her sidekick Boston Blackie: Ghost of the Forest" by Douglas Quinn

The latest mystery involving Gracie The Undercover Beagle finds her morning eggs in jeopardy in Ghost of the Forest.  Henny Penny, Chief Chicken and the head of the hen house, saw something in the nearby woods late one night. She wanted Gracie to investigate it, but Gracie’s sidekick Boston Blackie refused to wake her up. All the barnyard animals know not to disturb Gracie when she is sleeping all tucked in under the covers.

The next morning the autumn air is a bit chilly but Gracie feels better once she has had her usual breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. Henny is still agitated as she is sure she saw a ghost wandering around in the forest. Gracie isn’t interested and the other barnyard criminals treat the whole thing as a joke because they never saw anything. Frustrated, Henny throws down an ultimatum. She threatens to withhold Gracie’s eggs.

Gracie does love her morning eggs. With great reluctance and some coaxing from Boston Blackie, Gracie begins to do a little investigating. She soon proves that Henny did see something. There is a rational explanation as it was not a ghost.

The secret of what she found as well as a small dictionary of a few new words brings this charming small book to a close. Sadly, while the real life inspiration for this series crossed the rainbow bridge some time ago, the spirit lives on in these short tales. Following The Egg Thief and Little Miss Stinky the latest read for small children, Ghost of the Forest continues the tradition of a gentle and compassionate short mystery tale with plenty of illustrations. All is well that ends well in each book of the series and that very much continues here in the latest read by author Douglas Quinn. 

Gracie The Undercover Beagle and her sidekick Boston Blackie: Ghost of the Forest (a Little Book for Little Readers)
Douglas Quinn
AAS White Heron Press
May 2016
ISBN# 978-1530979691
68 Pages

Material supplied by the publicist in exchange for my objective review.

Kevin R. Tipple ©2016


  1. Lately, I'm buying books like this for children because I honestly have a two year supply of adult books I can't get to. My grandchildren mostly are the recipients and sometimes kids of employees I work with at my day job. And it's fun because I'm finding children love books. When my husband and I send them, they seem to delve into them and like to brag about how far they've gotten.

  2. Thanks for the great review, Kevin. -- DQ
