Monday, July 18, 2016

18 Down, 7 To Go

Sandi completed her 18th radiation treatment this morning. She now has 7 more to go. We also met with the radiation doctor this morning, as we do each Monday, and he remains very pleased with how she is doing.

Later this week on Thursday, after she has radiation, we will go upstairs and meet with her regular cancer doctor and do blood work. That meeting may or may not include planning for the next scan to re-image her cancers. Assuming nothing horrendous turns up in the blood work we should be on the way home in our un-airconditioned car before the day time temps hit the predicted century mark.

Things seem to be going as well as possible. Hopefully, they truly are.So many times when we have thought she was doing well, she wasn't and things blew up in our faces. So, I remain worried though they say things are fine. More importantly, she thinks things are fine. It is a feeling she has. Considering she knew the cancers were back before they found them and told her, as well as a few other things in recent years cancer wise, I believe she knows before they do.


  1. I'm praying that Sandi is right.

  2. Sandi seems to have good instincts here. Here's hoping she's right about this one as well.


  3. Sandi seems thoroughly tuned in to her system, so she's probably right once again.

  4. I hope too, folks. I am NOT wishing for bad things.
