Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Jenny Milchman is on Patreon

I first heard about Patreon a few weeks ago. While it was suggested to me to use it for reviews or my own fiction, I could not figure out a way to do so. With three books out and a fourth on the way, author Jenny Milchman did. Check out what she came up with on her page.


  1. Kevin, thanks so much for sharing this news. Personally, I think it would work great for all you do--and if you launch a page, I'll be the first patron there. In my case, I truly wasn't sure when(if) I would find a new publisher. And people were asking for new writing--writingthat I had! I also do a lot of chatting with writers, coaching, reading mss--I'm hoping all of that can be encompassed in a Patreon platform. But we'll see. It's early, early days. Your noticing it is a big boost.

  2. Glad to help. Yes, you always have a lot to offer and this is another way to do all that.
