Monday, January 23, 2017

2016 Preditors & Editors Official Poll Results

The final tallies are in and this year this blog finished in 7th place. Once again beaten out by the sites that focus on horror and romance or do a ton of different things involving book giveaways, interviews, and more. Again this year, among those sites that focus on mystery and crime fiction, this blog remains number one among review sites.  

On behalf of all of us with the blog, thank you for your support.


  1. "Again this year, among those sites that focus on mystery and crime fiction, this blog remains number one among review sites."

    No shame in that, my friend. Congratulations!

  2. I'm so proud to know you (virtually, but that counts, doesn't it?). Many, many warm congratulations. You deserve them.

  3. Thank you both.

    I am a bit disappointed truth be told. I was not around much of the voting period so I was not on social media and elsewhere begging for votes. I thought, at this point, we would be okay as we had the name recognition and the history. Dodn't work out that way.

    But, when one thinks about the big picture and everything that has gone on, especially the last two weeks, this sort of deal really does not matter.

  4. I voted for you! And Top 10, I'd take that any day.

  5. Thank you, Judy. I appreciate it.
