Saturday, January 21, 2017

Laid To Rest...

Back in February 2012, my Mom’s world was irretrievably broken when her husband, my Dad, suddenly died. A romance that began when she was twenty continues as Mom joined Dad as she had so desperately wanted these past few years.

Under grey skies, Mom was laid to rest this morning. In a small simple ceremony at graveside attended by my brother, myself, and a few very close friends of my parents, Mom was placed in her final resting place. Mom and Dad are back together and with my grandparents.

I don’t know if there is a hereafter. I do know Mom is no longer in pain.

Somehow, we are all supposed to go on……


  1. Thinking of you and your family today, Kevin.

  2. Thank you, sir. It is hard.

  3. A rough day. Cherish the memories and hold close all the positive things your parents taught you. That way they never really die.

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. Thanks so much for having the the grit to keep up with your blog. I'm a new reader and do enjoy it.

  5. Thank you, Jerry. I am doing as best as I can at that.

  6. Thank you, Margaret. Hopefully, in a few days I will be somewhat back on the normal schedule. It is an outlet for me in a lot of different ways.
