Thursday, March 16, 2017

Finally Home

After a quick visit to the house to see my brother who is in town for a very few days to help with things, we came back here so that Sandi could eat and go to bed. Doctor visits always wear her out and today was no exception.

Blood work was okay though they do see some important numbers slipping a bit. They took six vials of blood out of her to double check some things as well as run new tests because of her allergy issues. While they think it is just allergies giving her a hard time, they took blood to rule out the return of a bacterial lung infection. They also dud nasal swabs to rule out other severe infections she has had previously and were hell to get rid of. What they are worrying about are things that have put her in the hospital before, even the ICU, but right now it does not appear to be what she is fighting. The fact that she does not exhibit any fever or coughing issues makes them lean towards the idea it is just allergies and nothing else.

Her meds are remaining the same with the addition of another antibiotic as a precautionary measure while they await the few days it will take to get the test results back.

Assuming nothing wacky happens in the meantime, we go back in a month so that she can have blood work and a doctor visit. At that time, assuming they can get insurance permission, they will also give her a multi hour IVIG infusion to support her immune system. The resumption of chemo as well as a PET SCAN remain on hold so that her body can better deal with what is going on right now with her.


  1. Sounds positive overall. Glad to hear it.

  2. I think so. I will feel better when all the tests come back negative.
