Monday, June 19, 2017

Sandi Update 6/19/17

Took one load over today and then went to the hospital. She is doing a little better. They took the cath out and she had a shower with a lot of help. She is having more blood today so she was falling asleep when we arrived. We hung out a little while with her and then headed out. Came here and boxed some more of my many books. After unloading and boxing another bookcase, we are calling it quits for today. There is lots to do here and at the house, but I have to get smarter about pacing myself as well as Scott who is doing all the heavy lifting.


  1. Having the cath out and a shower is a big step to feeling better.I am not good at pacing either.

  2. I think both things are going to be good for her. Certainly helped her morale.

  3. So nice to hear things are better for her. I think things will be better for all of you once you get moved. No more stairs should be a great asset for you! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. No stairs is going to be a huge help. It is also going to be way quieter as it is a much older neighborhood.
