Friday, June 23, 2017

Sandi Update 6/23/17

After dropping off a load at the house Scott and I went to the hospital to see Sandi. We found her sleeping and she woke up a few minutes after we arrived. She was extremely out of it. We stayed for a little while and then left so that she could sleep in peace.


  1. Looks like they need to scoot her up onto the pillows. But she does look comfortable and peaceful.

  2. She tends to slide down because of her back.

  3. I think everyone slides down off those stacked pillows, but they usually haul you back up periodically. I'm sure they will soon.

  4. As I said, she slides down because of her back. They do NOT haul her up as that causes her lots of pain. If she finds a comfortable position on her own, they leave her that way because anything that reduces her overall body pain helps her.
