Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Sandi Update 6/27/17

Back home from the hospital where we found her much improved from yesterday. Sandi was awake and watching television when we walked into her room. She knew who we were and what was going on in the world. She could again have a conversation with us and did for a couple of hours. She has no memory of the last several days and that is just as well. It haunts me.

Her doctor and the treatment team came in while we were visiting her and they are all very pleased. her doctor tried again to explain what had happened. Basically, because her blood pressure was so high and her kidney function was so off in certain areas, the back of her brain and the surrounding area at the back of the head became inflamed and that caused her mental confusion and fatigue. Now that her BP is back to normal, sometime this afternoon they will do the MRI to make sure the diagnosis of what happened to her is correct.

Her blood pressure is back to normal and has been since sometime overnight. Her kidney function has improved massively. Her pancreas numbers are coming down a little bit more rapidly than the last few days. She still is having some on and off stomach pain and nausea. Because of her pancreas and the stomach issues, she remains NPO which means clear liquids only, but she is now aware that she would like some food.

So, all in all, while she is not out of the woods, she clearly is massively better. I am a bit relieved though I am well aware that things could easily swing back the other way again.


  1. Hopefully, I did not jinx it talking about things. Scott and I were/are overjoyed. The treatment team was very happy and I think they also shared our shock at the dramatic improvement in the last 24 hours.

  2. Wonder Woman's got nothing on Sandi!

  3. WW has better bracelets.

  4. But I'm sure your wife has a much better invisible plane.

    Praying things continue on an upward trend.

  5. I am so happy to read this news! Thoughts and prayers that the good news continues.


  6. What a relief, Kevin. Go, Dandi!

  7. Not sure, Jerry. Sandi has never let me see it.

  8. Thank you, BPL and Jan. Appreciate it.
