Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Sandi Update for 6/21/17

Spent part of the morning today at the hospital and have seen her doctor. Though she is very out of it from the meds, things seem to be on the right track. She remains on a liquid diet as they want her pancreas numbers. Those finally seem to be trending in the right direction. She was moved to a new room yesterday, as required by Medicare, and will remain there through the weekend.

The current plan is that Sandi  might be coming home the early part of next week. Once home, she will have about a week here. After that week off, they will readmit her and start the next round of chemo over five days.


  1. Hopefully I have not jinxed things talking about it. Sometimes I wonder.

  2. Hope that her numbers keep going in the right direction.

  3. Wonderful. Still holding my breath a bit, but I'll take the moment for what it is.

  4. We do too, Carol. At least the trend seems to be headed in the right direction.

  5. The Miracle Woman rises again!
