Thursday, June 08, 2017

Sandi Update --Thursday

After taking another load of stuff to the house and working there for a couple of hours, Scott and I went to the hospital to see Sandi. She was asleep when we arrived as they had done the blood machine/isolation deal at 5 AM today. 6 IVs of various things were running into her as she laid there sound asleep.

We had been there a few minutes when one of the IV pumps started beeping. After that happened for a couple of minutes she sort of woke up. She was very out of it and wasn't sure we were real. She gradually got more with it the next few minutes and we talked a little bit. She felt okay though she remains on a NPO diet so no food or drink. They are letting her have ice chips and popsicles. She thinks they are considering going after the tonsil tumor and removing her tonsils to do it.

There is no plan to send her home anytime soon or to restart her chemo.  They are still analyzing the numbers on her pancreas tests as well as whatever they got from the blood machine this morning. She hates the procedure as it makes her so cold and she still hates the port in her neck though the pain level from that seems to be a little lower as it has settled in somewhat. She is still an unhappy camper, but also still very much out of it. She is very pale and has an insane number of blankets on her as she tries to stay warm.

So, she does not look good, does not feel good, and clearly is in no shape to come home anytime soon.


  1. Very sad. I hope they can get her fixed up soon.

  2. Wish this were better news, but be assured the prayer machines are working overtime.

  3. Kevin, I amd my church, Trinity Lutheran, are keeping you and Sandy in our prayers. Our prayer chain has you and Sandy lifted in daily prayers, I mention you and Sandy out loud in church when we pray for the world and those personal to us and my Friday Women's Bible study pray for you, too. I wish there was more that we can do. ❤️❤️

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  5. This is so hard to read. Hoping for the best for all of you.

  6. I hope that the doctors will figure out something that will at least make her feel better. If they remove the tonsil tumor, would that put too much strain in her health right now or would be helpful. I have no idea, just praying and I have some more people praying for her.

  7. My heart breaks for you all. It was all hard enough as it was, and then to have such a monumental error make a bad situation so much worse. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  8. Hoping for the best possible including the right medical decisions.
    Holding you and Sandi, and all your family, in my heart.

  9. Thank you everyone. We do appreciate it very much.

  10. I continue to pray for you all & as Reine said above, for the right medical decisions.

  11. Thank you, Elizabeth.

    I have a little news to report---they are giving her a blood transfusion of both whole blood cells and platelets. I don't know why yet, though when this has happened in the past, it has meant that she critically anemic and her immune system was crashing.

  12. Kevin, you three are in my prayers. There are just no words to cheer you during this trial, I know. I hope you are comforted that so many people hold you in their hearts and prayers.
