Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sandi is Home

Sandi is home. Still on the liquid only diet and very annoyed about that. We see the cancer folks on Thursday for blood work and an office visit.


  1. I'm glad to hear she's home as much as she's probably glad to be there.

  2. Shew as and went to sleep shortly after arriving here. Still sleeping now.

  3. Good news. Progress!

  4. I'm glad Sandi is home, and I'm hoping for the best.

  5. Thank you, Kaye and Reine.

    It was early to bad for us and then around 5:30 this morning Scott woke me up to tell me Sandi had fallen and could not get up. Eventually I got her back up and back in bed. Have no idea how long she was stuck on the floor. She was okay when I got her back in bed so we did not call for help.

    Scary stuff and reminds me way too much of the last few months with my Mom.
