Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sandi Hospitalized

After a full day at Texas Oncology where they worked on her and did a lot, Sandi was hospitalized this evening. There are multiple issues at work and numerous tests are being done. All we really know at this point is that she has a very high fever, something infectious is doing very bad things, and there is a strong possibility she broke ribs on her right side when she fell here yesterday evening. So, it has been a bad day.


  1. Thank you. She needs them and all the support she can get. Things are not good.

  2. It does, Bill. It also was a sort of horrible relief as I knew if she was there they would do things to make sure she would not fall. My physical limitations make it impossible to properly care for her in the way she is in right now.

  3. May things go better for you both.
