Saturday, August 19, 2017

Sandi Update 8/19/17

We are now safely home after seeing Sandi at the hospital. She remains on the catheter with the heart telemetry doing its thing and is still off of oxygen. Her mood is pretty good even with the news she was given this morning.
Picture by Scott

They currently plan to remove the port on Monday as it no longer matters if the tests come back saying the port is clean. Even if it is still okay, it will not stay that way. The only question is when it will be come infected. There is no choice at all so it will come out to protect her. They also, as I suspected, can't put anything into her port wise until she is clearly infection free.

That means she will have new iv lines put into her hands and arms each and every single time they have to put something into her. She is not happy, but also understands very well that she does not have any choices right now.

All in all, she is amazingly upbeat about everything and looks pretty good. She has eaten a bit more today, so far, than she has been and that is a good sign. She also has had at least some shrinkage of the sinus tumor as her ears have opened up a little bit. She can actual hear you when you talk to her and she can now hear the television. Being able to participate in the world has helped her tremendously. 


  1. Glad she's feeling better even though there's a long way to go.

  2. As Bill pointed out, it's going to be a slog, but at least there are signs of improvement. When you next talk to her, tell her I said to keep hanging tough.

  3. A very long way, Bill, but hopefully we are through the worst of it. Will do Barry.

  4. So glad to read! Especially that she can hear again. My grandfather became very deaf the last couple of years of his life and it really cut him off from the world. It was isolating. Hearing aids didn't help.

  5. Yes, nothing could be done for her as it was the tumor shutting everything off for her. Being able to hear again has been huge for her. How long it is going to last is the question as the tumor might start growing again before they can do more chemo on her.
