Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sandi Update 8/22/17

Just talked to Sandi tonight and she is doing okay. They removed the tri fusion port this afternoon. They are now running what they need to do through one IV that is located in her right arm halfway between her wrist and her elbow. Currently that is one bag of antibiotics after another one with each one being a different antibiotic. After getting multiple units of blood and platelets this morning it looks like they are not planning to repeat that tomorrow.

Fortunately, she is not in much pain and has been able to crochet. Her mood is pretty good though she is a bit bored and restless and is not finding anything on TV to take her mind off of things. She can still hear and she is thrilled with that fact and hope it holds.

So, I think things are as good as they can be right now. Or, as she put it again tonight, "It is what it is."


  1. That was what my Hubby said when he could still express himself: It is what it is and we'll deal with it. I have to keep repeating that to myself. He's requiring anti-psychotic meds now--that's painful for me to deal with.

  2. I am very sorry, Kaye.

  3. Best to both of you, and the best outcome for all of us.
