Thursday, September 21, 2017

Doctor Today

By the time this post appears, I will be at the doctor with Sandi. She has not been doing at all well the last couple of days. Not sure what is going on. I am worried that there is a new issue with her. I expect the blood work will tell us she definitely needs more blood. My concern is with another  infection problem as well as a couple of other things. I am pretty sure something is going on.....just don't know what now.

Even if I am wrong about other things, if they do blood, it is going to be a long day there. Will update when I am back home.


  1. Bummer. How many issues can one woman have on her plate? As always, prayers for Sandi the Strong and for Kevin the enduring. Good thought for Sandi to improve are on their way.

  2. Hoping the doc figures out what's wrong, fixes it, & that Sandi feels better soon. Take care of yourself too, Kevin.

  3. Sending good thoughts your way.

  4. Thank you, everyone. Doc thinks it was a blood issue. Hopefully, the transfusions and steroids today will make things better.
